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Our Commitment to Quality, Sustainability and Expertise
Our aim is to be the World's Cleanest Paint Application Facility, and we are committed to achieving this through our focus on quality, sustainability, and expertise. Our quality policy serves as a guide to ensure that all employees understand and adhere to our quality standards, and that we meet the requirements of ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, and ISO 10002 certifications. We also have FROSIO Certified Surface Treatment INSPECTOR LEVEL III professionals and implement ISO and FROSIO standards for our Blasting, Coating and Painting, Quality Control and Thermal Spray Metallization projects.

ISO 9001: Quality Management System
We have implemented the ISO 9001 quality management system and established processes and procedures for all aspects of our operations. This framework enables us to consistently meet project requirements and enhance customer satisfaction.
ISO 14001: Environmental Management System
ISO 14001 helps us to design and implement our environmental approach in complying with regulations, with a focus on achieving our goal of becoming the World's Cleanest Paint Application Facility. We are committed to reducing our environmental footprint by implementing sustainable practices in our operations, such as reducing waste and energy consumption.
ISO 45001: Occupational Health and Safety Management System
The health and safety of all individuals is our top priority, including employees, customers and visitors. Our commitment to providing a safe and healthy workplace allows us to continuously improve our performance. We provide regular training by experts for our staff to be equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to work safely and maintain a healthy workplace.

ISO 10002: Customer Satisfaction Management System
As an engineering company, we understand that effective project management is essential to achieving customer satisfaction. We use the ISO 10002 standards to guide the handling of our contracted projects, ensuring that any issues are addressed promptly and efficiently. Our commitment to continuous improvement drives us to use customer feedback to enhance our engineering processes and deliver superior services to our clients.

Sustainability Approach: Zero Waste and Carbon Footprint Reduction
Our sustainability approach prioritizes reducing our environmental impact through zero waste and carbon footprint reduction. To achieve our goal of zero waste, we have implemented initiatives to reduce, reuse, and recycle materials used in our facility. In addition, we are committed to reducing our carbon footprint by implementing sustainable practices in our operations by utilizing energy-efficient equipment and sourcing renewable energy from solar power. We closely monitor our carbon footprint and set targets for reducing our emissions.

BROCOAT ENGINEERING has been committed to the UNGC corporate sustainability initiative and its principles in the areas of human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption. As a responsible business and investment, we support all Sustainable Development Goals of United Nations Global Compact.

Expertise: FROSIO LEVEL III Certified Professionals and FROSIO-CP Certification
FROSIO-GuiD-CP is a Quality Management Guideline For Companies Working In The Field Of Corrosion Protection which defines the quality requirements recognized by FROSIO for the execution of corrosion protection processes and corrosion protection work.

It gives reference to and supplements the general regulations of ISO 9001 for the area of corrosion protection. The guideline covers corrosion protection work on components and other products (e.g. made from steel, aluminium, etc.) through organic coatings, thermal spraying, hot-dip galvanizing as well as duplex coating systems. It describes the conditions that a company providing corrosion protection must satisfy in order to meet the requirements according to FROSIO-GuiD-CP. The scope of the guideline is an increase in productivity and, implicitly, in product quality.

The guideline contains detailed information and recommendations for companies for meeting the requirements for FROSIO-CP Certification.

BROCOAT ENGINEERING is currently an applicant in the approval period to become the fourth facility in the world with FROSIO-CP-C level certification in the areas of application: surface preparation and coating with organic/inorganic paint materials and to become the first in the world in the area of application: thermal spray metallization.